Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thing 23: The End?

I've enjoyed this process. Learned a lot, got excited about the possibilities of some of the things. Also experienced a bit of frustration at the college's firewalls and other security measures which completely blocked some of the applications, but even that process enabled me to become a lot more familiar with the network staff and I believe we'll be able to come to some accommodation.

The things I found most interesting were:

1. Wikis. As I mentioned in the original entry, I want to use this tool to create a new version of the library's policy and procedures manual. Something similar to the example in week five: Antioch University New England Library Staff Training and Support Wiki . I think we've just about worked out a compromise with IT to actually allow a wiki on the college's servers, so now all that remains is to create the thing.

2. Youtube. I have a much better appreciation for the educational videos that Youtube has to offer. We've just started a subscription to LibGuides here and I'm planning to incorporate some Youtube sources into our new guides.

3. Photos and Image Generators. That was just plain fun.

4. Creative Commons. Having had some frustrating experiences with the current copyright codes in the past, I am gratified to know that there is a grassroots movement of sorts creating another way. Maybe as this grows it will encourage lawmakers to revamp the codes for everyone.

Overall I'd say that I've become much more aware, and more interested in how media, the web, and emerging technologies have become integrated into and are shaping our lives (that's just about what the intro to 23 Things said, isn't it?).

Thanks to Tara and all the other participants!

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